

Self-conscious about your smile?

Hate the idea of braces?

Invisalign is the answer :

no guesswork
straightens your teeth more predictably○
clear aligners that are discreet and don’t
interrupt your life
the right fit for you
fits snugly around your teeth

You change Aligners every week, and replace them with a new set.

As you replace each aligner, you will see your teeth move gently until they have straightened to a position that you’re happy with.

Invisalign can successfully treat underbite, overbite, overcrowding, wide-spaced teeth, irregular teeth, crossbite, and many other dental issues.

They’re virtually invisible, more comfortable and hygienic than metal braces. They’re pain-free, cause little discomfort Invisalign. It’s a game changer when it comes to straight teeth.

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